About Us

Experience the Art of Caring

About Shatayusshi

Shatayusshi Ayurved and Panchkarma Kendra has a holistic approach to treatment. Each case is studied thoroughly. Along with the major complaints and disorders of the patient, a detail input is taken about patient’s diet, work-pattern and lifestyle. This enables to take a unique approach in treatment.

Dr.Priti Dhake (B.A.M.S.Pune) Ayurvedacharya is an eminent Ayurvedic Practitioner in Mumbai who has cured thousands of patients who were suffering from different types of diseases. She has treated patients across India in her 20yrs of practice and is continuing to deliver the authentic Ayurvedic healing experiences to her patients daily. Treatment is available for various ailments like Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Joint Diseases, Spine Diseases, Ulcers,Sinusitis,Asthma, Skin Diseases, Infertility, Menstrual Problems ,Diseases in children & women, Endocrinal Discount such as Diabetes, Thyroid and many more.

She understands your profile, constitution (Prakriti) and medical history before recommending any treatment. She take care to customize your treatment plan so that it solves your unique problem. Illness is eradicated from the root and not just treated at the symptom level.

She analyzes each and every case with much of personal touch and diagnoses the disease with great accuracy and precision. She prescribes most suitable medicine and give useful dietary advice and the mandatory precautions that also go a long way to find long lasting health solution for a health problem.



To help and serve people across the globe and transform their life by bringing health, happiness and joy in their life through the wisdom of ancient Ayurveda.


We are passionate and committed to deliver the best Ayurvedic healthcare across the globe. It’s our passion towards Ayurveda and affection towards our client which enables us to achieve our objectives.